For many years my primary interest in Shakespeare has been in James Joyce's use of him in his works. All those years of a little Shakespeare here, a little Shakespeare there, have resulted in an obsession on a par with my Joyce obsession. This is a bibliography of my Shakespeare library. I put it together for my own reference; I hope someone else may find it of value.
By Shakespeare
Collected Plays/Complete Works
- Shakespeare, William. Complete Works. Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. The Complete Works. (The Complete Pelican Shakespeare). Harbage, Alfred: ed. Viking, . Print.
- Shakespeare, William. The Complete Works. Orgel, Stephen && Braunmuller, A. R.: ed. Penguin, . "The Complete Pelican Shakespeare"--cover and spine. "The New Pelican Text"--title page. Print.
- Shakespeare, William. The Complete Works. (The Oxford Shakespeare). Wells, Stanley, et al.: eds. 2nd edn. Clarendon, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. The Complete Works: Original-Spelling Edition. Wells, Stanley, et al.: eds. Clarendon, . Print.
- Shakespeare, William. The Complete Works of William Shakeseare: First Folio Edition, 1623. Shakespeare, Ann: ed. Shakespeare School of Acting, n.d. Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. The First Folio of Shakespeare: The Norton Facsimile. Prepared by Charlton Hinman. Blayney, Peter W. M.: introd. 2nd edn. Norton, . Print.
- Shakespeare, William. The New Oxford Shakespeare: The Complete Works. Taylor, Gary, et al.: eds. Oxford UP, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. The Norton Shakespeare: Based on the Oxford Edition. Greenblatt, Stephen, et al.: eds. Norton, . Print.
Individual Plays
- King Edward III. (The New Cambridge Shakespeare). Melchiori, Giorgio: ed. Cambridge UP, . Print.
- Shakespeare, William. All's Well That Ends Well. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. Antony and Cleopatra. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. As You Like It. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. The Comedy of Errors. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. Coriolanus. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. Cymbeline. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. (Norton Critical Editions). Hoy, Cyrus: ed. Norton, . Print.
- Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. (Norton Critical Editions). Hoy, Cyrus: ed. 2nd edn. Norton, . Print.
- Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. (The Arden Shakespeare). Jenkins, Harold: ed. Routledge, . Print.
- Shakespeare, William. The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke. Facsim. edn. Triple Anvil, []. 1st ('Bad') Quarto. Print.
- Shakespeare, William. The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke. Facsim. edn. Triple Anvil, []. 2nd ('Good') Quarto. Print.
- Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet: Prince of Denmark. Kliman, Bernice W. && Lake, James H.: eds. Focus-Hackett, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. (Norton Critical Editions). Miola, Robert S.: ed. Norton, . Print.
- Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. (The Arden Shakespeare). Thompson, Ann && Neil Taylor. Thomson, . Print.
- Shakespeare, William. Hamlet: The Texts of 1603 and 1623. (The Arden Shakespeare). Thompson, Ann && Taylor, Neil: eds. Thomson, . Print.
- Shakespeare, William. Henry IV Part I. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. Henry IV Part II. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. Henry V. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. Henry VI Parts I, II, and III. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. Julius Caesar. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. King Henry V. (The Arden Shakespeare). Craik, T. W.: ed. Thomson, . Print.
- Shakespeare, William. King John & Henry VIII. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. King Lear. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. King Lear. (The Arden Shakespeare). Foakes, R. A.: ed. Thomson, . Print.
- Shakespeare, William. Love's Labour's Lost. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. (The Annotated Shakespeare). Raffel, Burton : ed. Yale UP, . Print.
- Shakespeare, William. Measure for Measure. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. The Merry Wives of Windsor. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night's Dream. (The Everyman Shakespeare). Andrews, John F.: ed. Abraham, F. Murray: fwd. Everyman, .
- Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night's Dream. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Bloom, Harold: ed. Riverhead, . Print.
- Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night's Dream. (Oxford World's Classics). Holland, Peter: ed. Oxford UP, . Print.
- Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night's Dream. McDonald, Russ : ed. Penguin, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night's Dream. (The Annotated Shakespeare). Raffel, Burton : ed. Yale UP, . Print.
- Shakespeare, William. Much Ado about Nothing. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. Othello. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. Pericles. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. Richard II. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. Richard III. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. The Taming of the Shrew. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. The Tempest. Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook. (The RSC Shakespeare).
- Shakespeare, William. Titus Andronicus and Timon of Athens. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. Troilus and Cressida. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. Twelfth Night. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. Twelfth Night. (The Arden Shakespeare). Lothian, J. M. && Craik, T. W.: eds. Thomson, . Print.
- Shakespeare, William. The Two Gentlemen of Verona. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. The Winter's Tale. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. The Winter's Tale. (Oxford World's Classics). Orgel, Stephen, ed. Oxford UP, . Print.
Sonnets and Other Poetry
- Shakespeare, William. Shakespeare's Sonnets. Booth, Stephen: ed. Yale Nota Bene, . Print.
- Shakespeare, William. Shakespeare's Sonnets. (The Arden Shakespeare). Duncan-Jones, Katherine: ed. Thomson, . Print.
- Shakespeare, William. Shakespeare's Sonnets. (The Arden Shakespeare). Duncan-Jones, Katherine: ed. Revised edn. Bloomsbury, . Print.
- Shakespeare, William. Shakespeare's Sonnets. (Oxford Shakespeare Topics). Edmondson, Paul && Wells, Stanley: eds. Oxford UP, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. Shakespeare's Sonnets. West, David: ed. Duckworth, . Print.
- Shakespeare, William. The Sonnets. (The Cambridge Shakespeare). Evans, G. Blakemore: ed. Orgel, Stephen: introd. Cambridge UP, . Ebook.
- Shakespeare, William. The Sonnets and Other Poems. (The RSC Shakespeare). Bate, Jonathan && Rasmussen, Eric: eds. Modern Library, . Ebook.
About Shakespeare
- Adams, Jennifer. Y is for Yorick: A Slightly Irreverent Shakespearean ABC Book for Grown-Ups. Andrade, Hugh D.: illus. Smith, . Ebook.
- Bate, Jonathan. Soul of the Age: A Biography of the Mind of William Shakespeare. Random, . Ebook.
- Bevington, David. William Shakespeare. (Oxford Bibliographies Online Research Guide). Oxford UP, . Ebook.
- Bloom, Harold. Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human. Riverhead, . Print.
- Booth, Stephen. An Essay on Shakespeare's Sonnets. Yale UP, . Print.
- Boyce, Charles. Shakespeare A to Z: The Essential Reference to His Plays, His Poems, His Life and Times, and More. Hands, Terry: fwd. Roundtable, . Print.
- Brook, Peter. The Quality of Mercy: Reflections on Shakespeare. Hern, . Ebook.
- Brook, Peter. The Quality of Mercy: Reflections on Shakespeare. Theatre Communications, . Print.
- Bryson, Bill. Shakespeare: The World as Stage. Harper, . Ebook.
- Collins, Paul. The Book of William: How Shakespeare's First Folio Conquered the World. Bloomsbury, . Ebook.
- Crystal, Ben. Hamlet: Before, During, After. (Springboard Shakespeare). Bloomsbury, . Print.
- Crystal, Ben. King Lear: Before, During, After. (Springboard Shakespeare). Bloomsbury, . Print.
- Crystal, Ben. Macbeth: Before, During, After. (Springboard Shakespeare). Bloomsbury, . Print.
- Crystal, Ben. A Midsummer Night's Dream: Before, During, After. (Springboard Shakespeare). Bloomsbury, . Print.
- Crystal, Ben. Shakespeare on Toast: Getting a Taste for the Bard. Icon, . Ebook.
- Crystal, David && Crystal, Ben. The Shakespeare Miscellany. Overlook, . Print.
- Crystal, David && Crystal, Ben. Shakespeare's Words: A Glossary and Language Companion. Penguin, . Ebook and Print.
- Dromgoole, Dominic. Will & Me: How Shakespeare Took Over My Life. Pegasus, . Print.
- Duncan-Jones, Katherine. Shakespeare: An Ungentle Life. Bloomsbury, . Ebook.
- Egan, Gabriel. The Struggle for Shakespeare's Text: Twentieth-Century Editorial Theory and Practice. Cambridge UP, . Ebook.
- Epstein, Norrie. The Friendly Shakespeare. Penguin, . Print.
- Galey, Alan. The Shakespearean Archive: Experiments in New Media from the Renaissance to Postmodernity. Cambridge UP, . Ebook.
- Garbor, Marjorie. Shakespeare After All. Anchor, . Print.
- Goddard, Harold C. The Meaning of Shakespeare. 2 vols. U of Chicago P, . Ebook.
- Herrnstein, Barbara: ed. Discussions of Shakespeare's Sonnets. Heath, . Print.
- Heylin, Clinton. So Long as Men Can Breath: The Untold Story of Shakespeare's Sonnets. Da Capo, . Ebook.
- Honan, Park. Shakespeare: A Life. Oxford UP, . Ebook.
- Jowett, John. Shakespeare and Text. (Oxford Shakespeare Topics). Oxford UP, . Ebook.
- Maguire, Laurie && Smith, Emma. 30 Great Myths about Shakespeare. Wiley-Blackwell, . Ebook.
- May, Andrea A. The Millionaire and the Bard. Simon, . Ebook.
- McDonald, Russ. Shakespeare and the Arts of Language. (Oxford Shakespeare Topics). Oxford UP, . Ebook.
- Onions, C. T. A Shakespeare Glossary. Eagleson, Robert D.: rev. Clarendon, . Print.
- Rasmussen, Eric. The Shakespeare Thefts: In Search of the First Folios. Palgrave, . Ebook.
- Rasmussen, Eric && West, Anthony James: eds. The Shakespeare First Folios: A Descriptive Catalogue. Palgrave, . Print.
- Rooke, Leon. Shakespeare's Dog. Knopf, . Print.
- Rosenbaum, Ron. The Shakespeare Wars: Clashing Scholars, Public Fiascoes, Palace Coups. Random, . Print.
- Rosenbaum, Ron. The Shakespeare Wars: Clashing Scholars, Public Fiascoes, Palace Coups. Random, . Ebook.
- Rudenstine, Neil L. Ideas of Order: A Close Reading of Shakespeare's Sonnets. Farrar, . Ebook.
- Schoenbaum, S. Shakespeare's Lives. Dirda, Michael: fwd. Barnes, . Print.
- Schoenbaum, S. William Shakespeare: A Compact Documentary Life. Rev. edn. Oxford UP, . Print.
- Schoenbaum, S. William Shakespeare: A Documentary Life. Oxford UP, . Print.
- Shakespeare: The Essential Guide to the Life and Works of the Bard. Paster, Gail Kern: introd. Wiley, . Print.
- Smith, Emma. The Cambridge Introduction to Shakespeare. Cambridge UP, . Ebook.
- Smith, Emma. Shakespeare's First Folio: Four Centuries of an Iconic Book. Oxford UP, . Ebook.
- Spevack, Marvin. The Harvard Concordance to Shakespeare. 2nd printing. Belknap, . Print.
- Tanner, Tony. Prefaces to Shakespeare. Heath, Stephen: fwd. Belknap, . Print.
- Toropov, Brandon. Shakespeare for Beginners. Lee, Joseph: illus. For Beginners, . Print.
- Van Doren, Mark. Shakespeare. New York Review, . Print.
- Vendler, Helen. The Art of Shakespeare's Sonnets. 1st Harvard UP paperback edn. Belknap, . Print.
- Ware, Janet && Davis, Al. 101 Things You Didn't Know about Shakespeare. Adams, . Print.
- Watts, Cedric. Shakespeare Puzzles. PublishNation, . Ebook.