"The first problem that one must confront in this type of investigation involves the separation of Zurich titles from other texts which are part of the Trieste catalogue but which were not consulted by Joyce once he had begun Ulysses. The most obvious way to identify the Zurich books is through their copyright dates. Joyce arrived in Zurich in June of 1915, but since he had begun writing his novel well before that date I have assumed that any copyright date or inscription of 1915 or later denotes a book acquired after composition of Ulysses had started. (This, of course, includes the books he may have acquired during his seven and one-half months in Trieste, 1919-1920). In addition to this evidence, Ellmann has identified a number of other texts as having been purchased by Joyce while in Zurich [marked with a dagger (†)]. Together these two groups make up the body of works which we can say with assurance Joyce had at his disposal while writing Ulysses.
"Books which are not physically present in his collection but which we know Joyce owned through evidence in letters or from other sources will be noted by an asterisk (*) and the sources cited."
- Alpha and Omega [pseudonym of Oliver St. John Gogarty and of Joseph O'Connor]. Blight: the tragedy of Dublin. Talbot, .
- Alpheo [pseudonym]. The book of the land of Ire. Talbot, .
- Apuleius. Fabula de Psyche et Cupidine. Signorelli, .
- Arabian nights (Le Mille e una notte). Dominicis, Armando, Italian trans. Salani, .
- Artzibashef, Michael. Sanine. Pinkerton, Percy, trans. Seeker, .
- Bacon, Francis. The wisdom of the ancients and The new Atlantis. Cassell, .
- Balzac, Honore de. A woman of thirty. Marriage, Ellen, trans. Dent, .
- †Barnett, Annie && Dale, Lucy. An anthology of English prose (1332 to 1749). Longmans, .
- Barry, William. The Papacy and modern times. Williams, .
- Bartholomew, J. G. A literary and historical atlas of Europe. Dent, .
- Beethoven, Ludwig van. Fidelio. Reclam, nd.
- †Beethoven, Ludwig van. Symphonien no. 1-3. Reclam, .
- Beethoven, Ludwig van. Symphonien no. 7-9. Reclam, .
*Berard, Victor.
Les Pheniciens et L'Odyssee.
3 vols.
Letters, I.401. - Bergson, Henri. The meaning of the war: life and matter in conflict. Unwin, .
- Bonn, M. J. Ireland und die irische Frage. Duncker, .
- Boyle, John F. The Irish Rebellion of 1916. Constable, .
- Britisches gengen Deutsches Imperium. Casement, Roger: fwd. Paetel, .
- Burke, Thomas. Limehouse nights. Richards, .
- Burns, Robert. The poetical works. Oxford UP, .
- Busoni, Ferruccio. Entwurf einer neuen asthetik der tonkust. Insel, .
- Butler, Samuel. Erehwon. Fifield, .
- †Butler, Samuel. Shakespeare's sonnets. Fifield, .
- Campanella, Tommaso. La critta del sole. Sonzogno, .
- Caprin, Giulio. Trieste e L'Italia. Rava, .
- Cervantes, Michele. Il dialogo dei cani. Sonzogno, .
- Chaucer, Geoffrey. The complete works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Skeat, W. W.: ed. Clarendon, .
- Conrad, Joseph. The nigger of the 'Narcissus'. Heinemann, .
- Conrad, Joseph. Within the tides. Conard, .
- D'Annunzio, Gabriele. Giovanni Episcopo. Quatrini, .
- DeMorgan, William. Joseph Vance. 2 vols. Tauchnitz, .
- †d'Ivray, Jehan. Memoires de l'Eunuque Bechir-Aga. Michel, n.d.
- Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Crime and punishment. Heinemann, .
*Dujardin, Edouard.
Les Lauriers sont coupes.
Letters, II.409. - Eglington, John [pseudonym of W. K. Magee]. Anglo-Irish essays. Talbot, .
- Eliot, George. The mill on the floss. Dent, .
- Ervine, St. John G. Changing winds. Maunsel, .
- Every man's own lawyer. Lockwodd, .
- †Fraser, Alexander Campbell. Berkeley. Blackwood, .
- Freud, Sigmund. Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens. Berlin, .
- †Galopin, Augustin. Le Parfum de la femme. Dentu, .
- Garnier, P. Onanisme: seul et a deux, sous toutes ses formes et leurs consequences. Freres, .
- †Greene, E. A. Saints and their symbols. Whitaker, .
- [Guillermet, Fanny]. Autour de la Greve Generale. Freres, .
- [Guillermet, Fanny]. Et Nous?. Freres, .
- [Guillermet, Fanny]. Le Frein. Freres, .
- †Haig, Alexander. Uric acid: an epitome of the subject. Churchill, .
- †Henke, Oskar. Die Gedichte Homers, Erster Teil: Die Odyssee. Teubner, .
- Herzl, Theodor. Der Judenstaat. Judischer, .
- Homer. Il Libro XIV dell'Odissea. Rossi, Salvatore: ed. Guisti, .
- Keller, Gottfried. Der grune Heinrich. 3 vols. .
- Keller, Gottfried. Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe. Verein fur Verbreitung guter Schriften, .
- Kerr, S. Parnell. What the Irish regiments have done. Unwin, .
- Kettle, Thomas M. The ways of war. Constable, . With a memoir by Mary S. Kettle.
- Kipling, Rudyard. A diversity of creatures. Conard, .
- Koemmenich, Louis. O cool is the valley now (music). New York: Fischer, .
*Lawrence, D. H.
The rainbow.
Letters, I.115. - Lewis, Wyndham. Tarr. Egoist, .
- †Lingard, John. Abridgement of the history of England. Burke, James: abr. with a continuation. Duffy, .
- Ludovici, Anthony M. A defense of aristocracy. Constable, .
- MacNamara, Brinsley. The valley of the squinting windows.. Maunsel, .
- Magrini, Gustavo. Manuale di musica teorico-practico Hoepli, .
- †Maistre, Xavier. Voyage autor de ma chambre. Flammarion, .
- Mann, Heinrich. Die Armen. Wolff, .
- Martyn, Edward. The heather field. Duckworth, .
*Merimee, Prosper.
Abbe Auban.
Letters, I.119. - Meyrink, Gustav. Das Grune Gesicht. Wolff, .
- Moore, George. Lewis Seymour and some women. Conard, .
- †Moore, George Foot. The literature of the Old Testament. Holt, .
- O'Duffy, R. J. Historic graves in Glasnevin Cemetery. Duffy, .
- Orage, A. R. An Englishman talks it out with an Irishman. Eglington, John: preface. .
- O'Sullivan, Seamus [pseudonym of James Starkey]. Mud and purple. Talbot, .
- Paolieri, Ferdianando. Novelle selvagge. Treves, .
- Pound, Ezra. Lustra. Privately printed, .
- Pound, Ezra, and Ernest Fenollosa. 'Noh' or accomplishment. Knopf, .
- †Quintillian. Unterricht in der Beredsamkeit. Vol. 10. Nicolai, W., German trans. Reclam, nd.
- Reid, Forrest. Following darkness. Arnold, .
- Riley, William. Windyridge. Jenkins, .
- Russell, Bertrand. Principles of social reconstruction. Allen, .
- Sacher, H.: ed. Zionism and the Jewish future. Murray, .
- Schickele, Rene. Hans in Schnakenloch. Weissen Bucher, .
- Sheehy-Skeffington, Francis. In dark and evil days. Duffy, .
- A smaller classical dictionary. Dent, .
- Smollett, Tobias. Humphry, Clinker. Bell, .
- Smollett, Tobias. Roderick, random. Bell, .
- Spencer, Herbert. The study of sociology. Paul, .
- Swift, Jonathan. A tale of a tub, the battle of the books and other satires. Dent, .
- †Treble, Henry Arthur, comp. English prose. Oxford UP, .
- Wagner, Richard. Gotterdammerung. Schott, .
- Walshe, R. G. Knocknagow. Duffy, .
- Wells, H. G. Bealby. Conard, .
- Wells, H. G. The history of Mr. Polly. Nelson, .
- Werfel, Franz. Die Troerinnen des Euripedes. Wolff, .
- Woolf, Virginia. The voyage out. Duckworth, .
- Yeats, John Butler. Essays Irish and American. Talbot, .