Atherton, James S.
The books at the wake: a study of literary allusions in James Joyce's 'Finnegans wake'.
Southern Illinois UP,
Balsamo, Gian.
Scriptural poetics in Joyce's 'Finnegans wake'.
Beckett, Samuel, et al.
Our exagmination round his factification for incamination of 'Work in progress'.
Beckett, Samuel, et al.
James Joyce 'Finnegans wake': a symposium (our exagmination round his factification for incamination of 'Work in progress').
New Directions,
Contributors: Beach, Sylvia: Introduction Beckett, Samuel: "Dante... Bruno. Vico.. Joyce" Brion, Marcel: "The idea of time in the work of James Joyce" Budgen, Frank: "James Joyce's Work in progress and Old Norse poetry" Gilbert, Stuart: "Prolegomena to Work in progress" Jolas, Eugene: "The revolution of language and James Joyce" Llona, Victor: "I don't know what to call it but its mighty unlike prose" McAlmon, Robert: "Mr. Joyce directs an Irish word ballet" McGreevy, Thomas: "The Catholic element in Work in progress" Paul, Elliot: "Mr. Joyce's treatment of plot" Rodker, John: "Joyce and his dynamic" Sage, Robert: "Before Ulysses and after" Williams, William Carlos: "A point for American criticism" Slingsby, G. V. L.: "Writes a common reader" Dixon, Vladimir: "A litter to Mr. James Joyce".
Beckman, Richard.
Joyce's rare view: the nature of things in 'Finnegans wake'.
(The Florida James Joyce series).
UP of Florida,
Beechhold, Henry F.
Early Irish history and mythology in 'Finnegans wake'.
Pennsylvania St. U,
University Microfilms,
Begnal, Michael H.
Dreamscheme: narrative and voice in 'Finnegans wake'.
Syracuse UP,
Begnal, Michael H. &&
Eckley, Grace.
Narrator and character in 'Finnegans wake'.
Bucknell UP,
Begnal, Michael H. &&
Senn, Fritz: eds.
A conceptual guide to 'Finnegans wake'.
Pennsylvania State UP,
Contributors: Begnal, Michael H.: "Introduction" Morse, J. Mitchell: "Where terms begin / book I, chapter i" McHugh, Roland: "Recipis for the price of the coffin / book I, chapters ii-iv" Benstock, Bernard: "Concerning lost historeve / book I, chapter v" Epstein, E. L.: "The turning point / book I, chapter vi" Boyle, Robert R.: Portrait of the artist as a Balzacian wild ass / book I, chapters vii-viii" Hodgart, Matthew: "Music and the mime of Mick, Nick, and the Maggies / book II, chapter i" Buckalew, Robert E.: "Night lessons on language / book II, chapter ii" Kopper, Edward A.: "'but where he is eaten': Earwicker's tavern feast / book II, chapter iii" Begnal, Michael H.: "Love that dares to speak its name / book II, chapter iv" Atherton, James S.: "Shaun A / book III, chapter i" Staples, Hugh B.: "Growing up absurd in Dublin / book III, chapters ii-iii" Solomon, Margaret: "The Porters: a square performance of three tiers in the round / book III, chapter iv" Eckly, Grace: "Looding forward to a brightening day / book IV, chapter i"
Benstock, Bernard.
Ironic alchemy: a study of language, humor and significance in James Joyce's 'Finnegans wake'.
Florida St. U,
Benstock, Bernard.
Joyce-again's wake: an analysis of 'Finnegans wake'.
U of Washington P,
Best, Nigel.
Dawn: a study of the present age and 'Finnegans wake' through a close look at FW page 594, one page sufficient for our time.
2nd edn.,
Bishop, John.
Joyce's book of the dark: 'Finnegans wake'.
U of Wisconsin P,
Boldereff, Frances M.
Hermes to his son Thoth: being Joyce's use of Giordano Bruno in 'Finnegans wake'.
Classic Nonfiction,
Boldereff, Frances M.
Reading 'Finnegans wake'.
Classic Nonfiction,
Boldrini, Lucia.
Joyce, Dante, and the poetics of literary relations: language and meaning in 'Finnegans wake'.
Cambridge UP,
Bonheim, Helmut.
Joyce's benefictions.
U of California P,
Bonheim, Helmut.
A lexicon of the German in 'Finnegans wake'.
U of California P,
Alexandrova, Boriana.
Joyce, multilingualism, and the ethics of reading.
(Palgrave studies in modern European literature).
Brivic, Sheldon.
Joyce's waking women: an introduction to 'Finnegans wake'.
U of Wisconsin P,
Brown, Norman O.
Closing time.
Burrell, Harry.
Narrative design in 'Finnegans wake': the Wake lock picked.
(The Florida James Joyce series).
U of Florida P,
Cage, John.
Writing through 'Finnegans wake'.
U of Oklahoma P,
Campbell, Joseph &&
Robinson, Henry Morton.
A skeleton key to 'Finnegans wake'.
New World Library,
Ppbk. edn.,
New World Library,
Cheng, Vincent John.
Shakespeare and Joyce: a study of 'Finnegans wake'.
Pennsylvania State UP,
Christiani, Dounia Bunis.
Scandinavian elements of 'Finnegans wake'.
Northwest UP,
Cliett, Bill Cole.
A 'Finnegans wake' alphabet book: for the "abcedminded".
Cliett, Bill Cole.
'Finnegans wake' in fifteen minutes.
Cliett, Bill Cole.
Riverrun to Livvy: lots of fun reading the first page of James Joyce's 'Finnegans wake'.
Conley, Tim: ed.
Joyce's disciples disciplined: a re-exagmination of the exagmination of 'Work in progress'.
U College Dublin P,
Contributors: Conley, Tim: "Introduction" Rabate, Jean-Michel: "Dangerous identifications, or Beckett's Italian hoagie" Slote, Sam: "The life of Brion's 'Idea of time in the work of James Joyce'" Hulle, Dirk van: "Joyce, the master craftsman: Frank Budgen and the making of the Wake" McCarthy, Patrick: "Postlegomena to Stuart Gilbert's prolegomena" Mitchell, Andrew J.: "Eugene Jolas and the Joycean word in transition" Gold, Moshe: "The prosaic 'rhythm of the successive pictures', or going to the movies with James Joyce and Victor Llona" Shloss, Carol Loeb: "Joyce en pointe: Robert McAlmon reviews an Irish word ballet" Nash, John: "Thomas McGreevy and 'The Catholic element' in Joyce" Brown, Pamela: "Disappointment and transcendence: reading for the plot and not in Finnegans wake" Heffernan, Laura: "The secret, the baffled, the true: John Rodker and late avant-garde reading" Mahaffey, Vicki: "Shocking language: Robert Sage and the circuitry of meaning" Dilks, Stephen John: "A point for intercultural criticism" Fordham, Finn: "'Finnegans wake' in a dentist's waiting room" Senn, Fritz: "The pleasure of meeting Mr. Dixon"
Crispi, Luca &&
Slote, Sam: eds.
A genetic guide to 'Finnegans wake'.
U of Wisconsin P,
How Joyce Wrote 'Finnegans wake': A Chapter-by-Chapter Genetic Guide.
U of Wisconsin P,
Contributors: Groden, Michael: "Preface" Crispi, Luca && Slote, Sam && Hulle, Dirk van: "Introduction" Lernout, Geert: "The beginning: chapter I.1" Cadbury, Bill: "'The march of a maker': chapters I.2--4" Fuse, Mikio: "The letter and the groaning: chapter I.5" Schork, R. J.: "Genetic primer: chapter I.6" Landuyt, Ingeborg: "Cain--Ham--(Shem)--Esau--Jim the Penman: chapter I.7" McCarthy, Patrick A.: "Making herself tidal: chapter I.8" Slote, Sam: "Blanks for when words gone: chapter II.1" Crispi, Luca: "Storiella as she was wryt: chapter II.2" Hayman, David: "Male maturity or the public rise & private decline of HC Earwicker: chapter II.3" Deppman, Jed: "A chapter in composition: chapter II.4" Van Mierlo, Wim: "Shaun the post: chapters III.1--2" Rabate, Jean-Michel: "The fourfold root of Yawn's unreason: chapter III.3" Ferrer, Daniel: "Wondrous devices in the dark: chapter III.4" Hulle, Dirk van: "The lost word: book IV" Fordham, Finn: "'The end'; 'Zee end': chapter I.1"
Cumpiano, Marion.
Saint John of the cross and the dark night of FW.
Wake Newslitter,
Curraoin, Diarmuid.
I know that I have broken every heart: the significance of the Irish language in 'Finnegans wake' and in other works of James Joyce.
Dalton, Jack P. &&
Hart, Clive: eds.
Twelve and a tilly: essays on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of 'Finnegans wake'.
Northwestern UP,
Contributors: Colum, Padraic: "In memory of James Joyce" Budgen, Frank: "Resurrection" Hoffman, Frederick J.: "'The seim anew': flux and family in Finnegans wake" Mercier, Vivain: "James Joyce and the macaronic tradition" Senn, Fritz: "Insects appalling" Gleckner, Robert F.: "Byron in Finnegans wake" Atherton, James S.: "Sport and games in Finnegans wake" Morse, J. Mitchell: "On teaching Finnegans wake" Halper, Nathan: "The date of Earwicker's dream" Kain, Richard M.: "'Nothing odd will do long': some thoughts on Finnegans wake twenty-five years later" Litz, A. Walton: "Uses of the Finnegans wake manuscripts" Hayman, David: "'Scribbledehobbles' and how they grew: a turning point in the development of a chapter" Dalton, Jack P.: "Advertisement for the restoration"
Deane, Vincent &&
Ferrer,Daniel &&
Lernout, Geert: eds.
The 'Finnegans wake' notebooks at Buffalo.
- .
Book series; publication list here.
Devlin, Kimberly J.
Wandering and return in 'Finnegans wake': an integrative approach to Joyce's fiction.
Princeton UP,
Devlin, Kimberly J. &&
Smedley, Christine: eds.
Joyce's allmaziful plurabilities: polyvocal explorations of 'Finnegans wake'.
(The Florida James Joyce series).
UP of Florida,
Contributors: Devlin, Kimberly J. && Smedley, Christine: "Introduction: The Prodigal Text" Terrill, John: "The 'gift of seek on site': the subject of prophecy in I.1" LeBlanc, Jim: "'Here comes everybody': HCE and the existence of others in I.2" Conley, Tim: "Weathering the text: barometric readings of I.3" McIver, Mia L.: "Habeas corpus epiphany in I.4" Jaurretche, Colleen: "Joyce's common reader: a primer for sensory consciousness in I.5" Latham, Sean: "Playful reading: I.6 and game theory" Smedley, Christine: "Shem's "strabismal apologia": the split vision of the famine in I.7" Norris, Margot: "Fluid Figures in 'Anna Livia Plurabelle': an ecocritical exploration of I.8" Shloss, Carol Loeb: "Moveable types: the character system in 'The Mime of Mick, Nick and the Maggies' in II.1" Drouin, Jeffrey: "'Mutuomorphomutation' Horus and Set as principles of the digital and analog in II.2" Duffy, Enda: "Irish history and modern media: generating courage in II.3" Spurr, David: "Joyce's countergospel in II.4" Devlin, Kimberly J.: "Salvation, salves, saving, and salvage: the linguistic underpinnings of III.1" McCarthy, Patrick A.: "Jaunty Jaun's brokerly advice in III.2" Brivic, Sheldon: "The daughter in the father: the revolutionary aspect of III.3" Brown, Richard: 'The Porters, polypragmatic paradigms, and pseudoselves in III.4" Mahaffey, Vicki: "'Ricorso': the flaming door of IV"
DiBernard, Barbara.
Alchemy and 'Finnegans wake'.
State U of New York P,
Drachler, Jacob.
Id-graphs and ego-graphs: a confabulation with 'Finnegans wake'.
Eckley, Grace.
Children's lore in 'Finnegans wake'.
Syracuse UP,
Eckley, Grace.
The encryption of 'Finnegans wake' resolved: W. T. Stead.
Eckley, Grace.
The steadfast 'Finnegans wake': a textbook.
UP of America,
Epstein, Edmund.
A guide through 'Finnegans wake'.
(The Florida James Joyce series).
U of Florida P,
Fordham, Finn.
'Finnegans wake' and the dance.
Diss. U College London,
Fordham, Finn.
Lots of fun at 'Finnegans wake': unravelling universals.
Oxford UP,
Gibson, George Cinclair.
Wake rites: the ancient Irish rituals of 'Finnegans wake'.
(The Florida James Joyce series).
UP of Florida,
Glasheen, Adaline.
A census of 'Finnegans wake',
Northwestern UP,
A second census of 'Finnegans wake',
Northwestern UP,
Third census of 'Finnegans wake',
U of California P,
Hart, Clive.
A concordance to 'Finnegans wake'.
U of Minnesota P,
Corrected edn.,
Hart, Clive.
Structure and motif in 'Finnegans wake'.
Northwestern UP,
Hart, Clive &&
Senn, Fritz.
A Wake digest.
Sydney UP,
Harty, John, III: ed.
James Joyce's 'Finnegans wake': a casebook.
(Routledge library editions: James Joyce),
"For Adaline Glasheen"--dedication;
Contributors: Harty, John: "Introduction" Benstock, Bernard: "A working outline of Finnegans wake" Hayman, David: "Dreaming up the Wake" MacCabe, Colin: "An introduction to Finnegans wake" Kenner, Hugh: "Shem the textman" Brivic, Sheldon: "The femasculine obsubject: a Lacanian reading of FW' 606-607" Benstock, Bernard: "Quintet in the Wake: the proof or the pudding?" Cheng, Vincent: "Finnegans wake: All the world's a stage" Gordon, John: "The convertshems of the tchoose: Judaism and Jewishness in Finnegans wake" Montesi, Albert: "Joyce's 'blue guitar': Wallace Stevens and Finnegans wake" Loxterman, Alan: "Every man his own God: from Ulysses to Finnegans wake" Robinson, David: "Joyce's nonce-symbolic calculus: A Finnegans wake trajectory" Devlin, Kimberly J.: "The female word" Borodi, David: "'Group drinkards maaks grope thinkards of how reads rotary' (FW' 312.31): Finnegans wake and the group reading experience" Hayman, David: "Notes for staging Finnegans wake" Basquin, Kit: "Mary Ellen Bute's film adaptation of Finnegans wake" Rogers, Margaret: "Thoughts on making music from the hundred-letter words in Finnegans wake"
Hayman, David.
The 'Wake' in transit.
Cornel UP,
Hayman, David &&
Anderson, Elliott: eds.
In the wake of the 'Wake'.
U of Wisconsin P,
Hein, Christian.
The double life of Issy Earwicker: Victorian values in the mirror of 'Finnegans wake'.
Higginson, Fred H.
Anna Livia Plurabelle: the making of a chapter.
U of Minnesota P,
Hodgart, Matthew John Caldwell.
Joyce's grand operoar: opera in 'Finnegans wake'.
U of Illinois P,
Hofheinz, Thomas C.
Joyce and the invention of Irish history: 'Finnegans wake' in context.
Cambridge UP,
Hulle, Dirk van.
James Joyce's 'Work in progress': pre-book publications of 'Finnegans wake' fragments.
Jaurretche, Colleen.
language as prayer in 'Finnegans wake'.
(The Florida James Joyce series).
UP of Florida,
Jenkins, William D.
The adventure of the detected detective: Sherlock Holmes in James Joyce's 'Finnegans wake'.
Joyce, James.
Corrections of misprints in 'Finnegans wake': as prepared by the author after publication of the first edition.
Joyce, James.
A first-draft version of 'Finnegans wake'.
Hayman, David: ed.
Joyce, James.
Scribbledehobble: the ur-workbook for 'Finnegans wake'.
Connolly, Thomas E.: ed.
Northwestern UP,
Contributors: Lernout, Geert: "Introduction" Hayman, David: "Reading Joyce's notebooks?! Finnegans wake from within" Jacquet, Claude: "In the buginning is the woid: James Joyce and genetic crticism" Ruge, Elisabeth && Reinhard Schafer && Dirk Vanderbeke: "Digressions of the book for allemannen" Reichart, Klaus: "Vico's method and its relation to Joyce's" Senn, Fritz: Vexations of group reading: 'transluding the otherman'" Milesi, Laurent: Metaphors of the quest in Finnegans wake" Deane, Vincent: "HCE and the fall of Pelagius" Roughley, Alan: "ALP's 'sein' und 'zeit': questions of Finnegans wake's being and language in a philosophical context" Berressem, Hanjo: "The Letter! The Litter! The Defilements of the Signifier in Finnegans wake" Rose, Danis && John O'Hanlon: "A Nice Beginning: On the Ulysses / Finnegans wake Interface"
Lin, Yu-Chen.
Justice, history, and language in James Joyce's 'Finnegans wake'.
Litz, A. Walton.
The art of James Joyce: method and design in 'Ulysses' and 'Finnegans wake'.
Oxford UP,
Oxford UP,
Lowry, Bernadette.
Sounds of manymirth on the night’s ear ringing: Percy French (1854-1920): his Jarvey Years and Joyce’s haunted inkbottle.
Manning, Mary.
Passages from 'Finnegans wake' by James Joyce: a free adaptation for the theater.
Harvard UP,
Manning, Mary.
The voice of Shem: passages from 'Finnegans wake'.
McCarthy, Patrick A.: ed.
Critical essays on James Joyce's 'Finnegans wake'.
Contributors: McCarthy, Patrick A.: "Introduction" Hart, Clive: "Finnegans wake in adjusted perspective" Mink, Louis O.: "Reading Finnegans wake" Senn, Fritz: "A reading exercise in Finnegans wake" Boyle, Robert R.: "Finnegans wake, page 185: an explication" Attridge, Derek: "[The peculiar language of Finnegans wake]" Gillespie, Michael Patrick: "Raiding fur buginners: FW 611.04-613.04" McCarthy, Patrick A.: "The last epistle of Finnegans wake" Benstock, Bernard: "L. Boom as dreamer in Finnegans wake" Begnal, Michael H.: "Finnegans wake and the nature of narrative" Hayman, David: "Nodality and the infra-structure of Finnegans wake" Bishop, John: "The identity of the dreamer" Glasheen, Adaline: "Finnegans wake and the girls from Boston, Mass." Beja, Morris: "Dividual chaoses: case histories of multiple personality and Finnegans wake" Benstock, Shari: "Sexuality and survival in Finnegans wake" Devlin, Kimberly J.: "'See ourselves as others see us': Joyce's look at the eye of the other" Norris, Margot: "The last chapter of Finnegans wake: Stephen finds his mother" Vickery, John B.: "Finnegans wake and the rituals of mortality" Pierce, David: "The politics of Finnegans wake" Cheng, Vincent J.: "The general and the sepoy: imperialism and power in the museyroom"
McCarthy, Patrick A.
The riddles of 'Finnegans wake'.
Fairleigh Dickinson UP,
McGee, Patrick.
Joyce beyond Barx: history and desire in 'Ulysses' and 'Finnegans wake'.
(The Florida James Joyce series).
UP of Florida,
McHugh, Roland.
The 'Finnegans wake' experience.
U of California P,
McHugh, Roland.
The sigla of 'Finnegans wake'.
U of Texas P,
McLuhan, Eric.
The role of thunder in 'Finnegans wake'.
U of Toronto P,
Mecsnóber, Tekla.
Rewriting Joyce's Europe: the politics of language and visual design.
(The Florida James Joyce series).
UP of Florida,
Mierlo, Chrissie van.
James Joyce and Catholicism: the apostate's 'Wake'.
(Historicizing modernism).
Miller, W. L..
Male and female creativity in James Joyce's 'Finnegans wake'.
U of New South Wales P,
Mink, Louis O.
A 'Finnegans wake' gazetteer.
Indiana UP,
Motz, Reighard.
Time as Joyce tells it.
Myers, Peter.
The sound of 'Finnegans wake'.
Norris, Margot.
The decentered universe of 'Finnegans wake': a structuralist analysis.
Diss. U of New York at Buffalo,
Johns Hopkins UP,
O Hehir, Brendan.
A classical lexicon for 'Finnegans wake': a glossary of the Greek and Latin in the major works of joyce.
U of California P,
O Hehir, Brendan.
A gaelic lexicon for 'Finnegans wake', and glossary for Joyce's other works.
U of California P,
O'Neill, Patrick.
Finnegans wakes : tales of translation.
U of Toronto P,
O'Neill, Patrick.
Impossible Joyce: 'Finnegans wake'.
U of Toronto P,
O'Sullivan, J. Colm.
Joyce's use of colors: 'Finnegans wake' and the earlier works.
Patell, Cyrus R. K.
Joyce's use of history in 'Finnegans wake'.
Harvard UP,
Phipps, Frances.
Let me be los: codebook for 'Finnegans wake'.
Station Hill,
Platt, Len.
Joyce, race and 'Finnegans wake'.
Cambridge UP,
Renggli, Gabriel.
Joyce as theory: hermeneutic ethics in Derrida, Lacan, and 'Finnegans wake'.
(Routledge studies in twentieth-century literature).
Rose, Danis.
The textual diaries of James Joyce.
Rose, Danis.
Understanding 'Finnegans wake': a guide to the narrative of James Joyce's masterpiece.
Rosenbloom, Eric.
A word in your ear: How & why to read James Joyce's 'Finnegans wake'.
Sailer, Susan Shaw.
On the void of to be: incoherence and trope in 'Finnegans wake'.
U of Michigan P,
Sandulescu, C. George.
The language of the devil: texture and archetype in 'Finnegans wake'.
Solomon, Margaret.
Eternal geomater: the sexual universe of 'Finnegans wake'.
Southern Illinois UP,
Spoerri, James Fuller.
'Finnegans wake' by James Joyce: a check list.
Northwestern U Library,
Tindall, William York.
A reader's guide to 'Finnegans wake'.
Syracuse UP,
Contributors: Treip, Andrew: "Introduction" Milesi, Laurent: "Killing Lewis With Einstein: 'secting time' in Finnegans wake" Treip, Andrew: "'As per periodicity': Vico, Freud and the serial awakening of book III Chapter 4" Mailhos, Jacques: "'Begin to forget it': "the preprovided memory of Finnegans wake" Slote, Sam: "Needles in the camel's eye: concerning a time of 'collideorscape'" McDowell, Lesley: "Daughter's time: "Issy's problematics of time in Finnegans wake" Hayman, David: "Substantial time: the temporalities of Mamalujo" Van Mierlo, Wim: "Traffic in transit: some spatio-temporal elements in Finnegans wake" Lernout, Geert: "Time and the Wakean person" Barger, Jorn: "A Preliminary stratigraphy of 'Scribbledehobble'" Carnell, Simon: "Finnegans wake: 'the most formidable anti-fascist book produced between the two wars...'?" Deane, Vincent: "Bywaters and the original crime"
Troy, Mark L.
Mummeries of resurrection: the cycle of Osiris in 'Finnegans wake'.
U of Uppsala,
van Hulle, Dirk. See: Hulle, Dirk van.
Verene, Donald Phillip.
James Joyce and the philosophers at 'Finnegans wake'.
Northwestern UP,
Verene, Donald Phillip.
Knowledge of things human and divine: Vico's 'New science' and 'Finnegans wake'.
Yale UP,
Verene, Donald Phillip, ed.
Vico and Joyce.
State U of New York P,
Wedin, Warren.
That tragoady thundersday: an introduction to and interpretation of the thunderwords in 'Finnegans wake'.
White, David A.
The grand continuum: reflections on Joyce and metaphysics.
U of Pittsburgh P,
Wilder, Thornton, &&
Glasheen, Adaline.
A tour of the darkling plain: the 'Finnegans wake' letters of Thornton Wilder and Adaline Glasheen.
U College Dublin P,