"...in the late 1970s a German critic and scholar named Hans Walter Gabler began the task of preparing a 'corrected text'. This was finally published in 1984, and greeted with, first, acclaim, then doubts, and finally outrage. From a deep split in English and German textual theory, the status of the all-important 'copy-text' (either the 1922 edition or Joyce's chaotic and imperfect manuscript) became the subject of a fierce scholarly debate between Gabler and his nemesis, John Kidd. The climax of this crisis occurred in June 1988 with Kidd's article in the New York Review of Books, entitled 'The Scandal of Ulysses'.
"Since then, the row has gradually subsided, with a loose consensus forming in support of Gabler's 'synoptic' text, while nevertheless acknowledging that it, too, contains some rank inconsistencies. Today, the first 1922 edition, a text of huge historical consequence, stands as the shortest route to the author's intentions, despite numerous Joycean 'misses in print'."
"...it should be said that the errors in even the poorest edition, the pirated copying of the ninth Shakespeare printing, afford negligible obstacles to the reading of Ulysses."
Keeping track of editions of Ulysses is a quagmire, a situation that will only get more complicated now that it is in the public domain. Gabler's breakdown1 seems as good a place as any to start:
- 1st edn. Joyce, James. Ulysses. Shakespeare, .
- 2nd edn. Joyce, James. Ulysses. Shakespeare, .
- 3rd edn. Joyce, James. Ulysses. Shakespeare, . Samuel Roth pirated edn.; false imprint, published New York, 1929.
- 4th edn. Joyce, James. Ulysses. Odyssey, . "The present edition may be regarded as the definitive standard edition, as it has been specially revised, at the author's request, by Stuart Gilbert." — verso.
- 5th edn. Joyce, James. Ulysses. Modern Library, . First authorized U.S. edn.
- 6th edn. Joyce, James. Ulysses. Gilbert, Stuart: introd. Matisse, Henri: illus. Limited Editions Club, .
- 7th edn. Joyce, James. Ulysses. Bodley, . First English edn. published in England.
- 8th edn. Joyce, James. Ulysses. Bodley, .
- 9th edn. Joyce, James. Ulysses. Modern Library, . "New edition, corrected and reset" — copyright page.
- 10th edn. Joyce, James. Ulysses. Penguin, .
Regardless of one's opinion of Gabler's methods and conclusions, it must be admitted he has made an important contribution to Ulysses studies:
- 11th edn. Joyce, James. Ulysses: A Critical and Synoptic Edition. Gabler, Hans Walter && Steppe, Wolfhard && Melchior, Claus:eds. 3 vols. Garland, ; Rev. ppbk. edn., Garland, .
- Joyce, James. Ulysses: The Corrected Text. Gabler, Hans Walter && Steppe, Wolfhard && Melchior, Claus:eds. Vintage, .
- Joyce, James. Ulysses. Gabler, Hans Walter && Steppe, Wolfhard && Melchior, Claus:eds. Vintage, . "The Gabler Edition" — cover.
The following critical editions feature historically important texts and extensive annotations:
- Joyce, James. Ulysses. (Oxford World's Classics). Johnson, Jeri: ed. Oxford UP, . "The 1922 Text" — Back cover and spine.
- Joyce, James. The Cambridge Centenary 'Ulysses'. Flynn, Catherine: ed. Cambridge UP, . "The 1922 Text with Essays and Notes" — cover.
- Joyce, James. Ulysses. (Alma Classics). Slote, Sam: ed. Mamigonian, Marc A. && Turner, John: annot. 3rd edn. Alma, . "Based on the 1939 Odyssey Press Edition" — title page.
- Joyce, James. Ulysses. (Penguin Classics). Kiberd, Declan: ed. Annotated Student Edn. Penguin, . "This edition first published in the UK by The Bodley Head 1960 and in the USA by Random House 1961" — verso.
Danis Rose's "Reader's Edition":
- Joyce, James. Ulysses. Rose, Danis: ed. Picador, . "A Reader's Edition" — front cover.
And, last but not least:
- Joyce, James. The Little Review 'Ulysses'. Gaipa, Mark && Latham, Sean && Scholes, Robert: eds. Yale UP, . Ulysses as it appeared in The Little Review, 1918-1920. Includes "The Composition History of Ulysses", "The Magazine Context for The Little Review 'Ulysses'", "Essays, Letters, and Comments on Ulysses in the Little Review", and color plates of the cover of every issue of The Little Review in which Ulysses appeared.
1"Bibliography: 2. Editions". Ulysses: A Critical and Synoptic Edition. Gabler, Hans Walter && Steppe, Wolfhard && Melchior, Claus:eds. 3 vols. Rev. ppbk. edn. Garland, . Vol. 3, pp. 1855-1856.