"The stories that seem immortal are all the same: a brave but flawed hero, a quest, colorful people and places, sidekicks, the discovery of life’s underlying truths."
--Roger Ebert, "Star Wars", The Great Movies
Adams, Robert Martin.
Surface and symbol: the consistency of James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
Oxford UP,
Almeida, Hermione de.
Byron and Joyce through Homer: 'Don Juan' and 'Ulysses'.
Columbia UP,
Arnold, Bruce.
The scandal of 'Ulysses'.
St. Martin's,
Attridge, Derek: ed.
James Joyce's 'Ulysses': a case book.
(Casebooks in criticism).
Oxford UP,
Contributors: Attridge, Derek: "Introduction" Kenner, Hugh: "The arranger" Senn, Fritz: "Book of many turns" Herr, Cheryl: "Art and life, nature and culture, Ulysses" Ellmann, Maude: "The ghosts of Ulysses" Ziarek, Ewa "The female body, technology, and memory in 'Penelope'" Wollaeger, Mark A.: "Reading Ulysses: agency, ideology, and the novel Nolan, Emer: "Ulysses, Narrative, and history" Staten, Henry: "The decomposing form of Joyce's Ulysses" Bersani, Leo: "Against 'Ulysses'" Mahaffey, Vicki: "Intentional error: the paradox of editing Joyce's Ulysses" Budgen, Frank: "Conversations with Joyce" (1934)
Barrow, Craig Wallace.
Montage in James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
Studia Humanitatis,
Beja, Morris &&
Fogarty, Anne: eds.
Bloomsday 100: essays on 'Ulysses'.
(The Florida James Joyce series).
UP of Florida,
Contributors: Fogarty, Anne: "Introduction" Spurr, David: "Joyce's debris" Gordon, John: "'Mkgnao! Mrkgnao! Mrkgrnao!': the pussies perplex" Briggs, Austin: "Why Leopold Bloom menstruates" Lynch, Richard P.: "Mixing memory and desire: narrative strategies and the past in Ulysses" Schwarze, Tracey Teets: "Inventing identity in Ulysses: 'Kitty' O'Shea, memoir, and Molly Bloom" Winston, Greg: "Barracks and brothels: militarism and prostitution in Ulysses" Paraskeva, Anthony: "'In the beginning was the gest': theater, cinema, and the language of gesture in 'Circe'" O'Callaghan, Katherine: "Reading music, performing text: interpreting the song of the Sirens" Martin, Timothy: "Joyce, Ulysses, melodrama" Lin, Yu-chen: "Modernity and Its Discontents: Fashion and 'My girl's a yorkshire girl'" Gillespie, Gerald: "Schopenhauer's shadow, or Stephen as philosophic superman" Weninger, Robert: "Days of our lives: the one-day novel as homage à Joyce" Gillespie, Michael Patrick: "Past its sell-by date: when to stop reading Joyce criticism" Norris, Margot: "Secrets, narratology, and implicature: a virgin reading of 'Calypso'"
Bell, Robert H.
Jocoserious Joyce: the fate of folly in 'Ulysses'.
(The Florida James Joyce series).
Ppbk. edn.UP of Florida,
Benjamin, Judy-Lynn: ed.
The Celtic bull: essays on James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
U of Tulsa P,
Contributors: Albert, Leonard.: "Preface" Benjamin, Judy-Lynn: "Introduction" Nichols, Maryann: "An epochal palimpsest" Petta, Rochelle: "From corpus to corpse: 'Lotus Eaters' to 'Hades' Mundigo, Axel: "Decussated keys in Dublin"; "Bloom's litany: sacred and profane" Medioli, Jane: "Sabellian Shakespeare: bull, Ba'al, or bard" Benjamin, Judy Lynn: "'The wandering rocks': the heart of Ulysses"; "a symphony for calliope" Hartley, Sandra: "Blooms dilemma: Odysseus versus the Cyclops" Meskin, Carol: "The paralleled virgin and the unparalleled mother" Price, Rosemary: "Nighttown: lethartic cathargy" Kolbe, Joanne: "Parallel/parallax"; "A protean Mollylogue"
Benstock, Bernard: ed.
Critical Essays on James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
Contributors: Benstock, Bernard: "Introduction: in the track of the Odyssean" Jung, Carl: "Ulysses: A monologue" Litz, A. Walton: The design of Ulysses" Cronin, Anthony: "The advent of Bloom" Bennett, John Z.: "Unposted letter: Joyce's Leopold Bloom" Hyman, Louis: "Some aspects of the Jewish backgrounds of Ulysses" Gottfried, Roy K.: "Joycean syntax as appropriate order" Gilbert, Stuart: "'Nausicaa'" Budgen, Frank: "['Nausikaa']" Sultan, Stanley: "The strand (Bloom)" Blamires, Harry: "'Nausicaa'" Senn, Fritz: "'Nausicaa'" French, Marilyn: "The World: 'Nausikaa'" Peake, C. H.: "Techniques and styles: 'Nausikaa'" van Caspel, Paul: "'Nausicaa'" Scholes, Robert: "Ulysses: a structuralist perspective" Cohn, Dorrit: "The autonomous monologue" Hawthorn, Jeremy: "Ulysses, modernism, and Marxist critcism" Thomas, Brook: "Formal re-creation: re-reading and re-joycing the re-sightings of Ulysses" Lawrence, Karen: "The narrative norm" McGee, Francis: "Gesture: the letter of the word"
Benstock, Bernard
Narrative con/texts in 'Ulysses'.
U of Illinois P,
Birmingham, Kevin.
The most dangerous book: the battle for James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
Blamires, Harry.
The Bloomsday book: a guide through Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
Blamires, Harry.
The new Bloomsday book.
Rev. edn.,
3rd edn.,
Bowen, Zack.
'Ulysses' as a comic novel.
Syracuse UP,
Brannon, Julie.
Who reads 'Ulysses'?: the rhetoric of the Joyce wars and the common reader.
Brockman, William &&
Mecsnóber, Tekla &&
Alonso, Sabrina: eds.
Publishing in Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
(European Joyce studies).
Contributors: Harrington, Judith: "George Newnes's most entertaining publication" d'Erme, Elisabetta: "Bloom, the dandy, the nymph and the old hog: 'tit-bits' and 'photo bits', reflections of the Victorian press in James Joyce's Ulysses" Senn, Fritz: "Types of news events" Wawrzycka, Jolanta W.: "Newspapers, print, language: steganography in Joyce" Spurr, David: Classified advertising in Joyce" Hayward, Matthew: "'But who was Gerty?' intertextuality and the advertising language of 'Nausicaa'" Alonso, Sabrina: "Advertising in Ulysses" Beck, Harald: "'Aeolus' - a sightseeing tour" Radak, Tamara: "'Aeolus', interrupted: heady headlines and Joycean negotiations" MacDuff, Sangan: "The self-reflexive text of 'Aeolus'" Brockman, William S.: "'Clio's clippings': from newspaper to press cutting" Mecsnóber, Tekla: "The ineluctable modernity of the visible: the typographic odyssey of Ulysses in interwar print culture"
Brown, Carole &&
Knuth, Leo.
Bloomsday, the eleventh hour: the quest for the vacant place.
Wake Newslitter,
Brown, Richard: ed.
Joyce, 'Penelope' and the body.
(European Joyce studies).
Contributors: Brown, Richard: "Introduction" Van Boheemen-Saaf, Christine: "Joyce's answer to philosophy: writing the dematerializing object" Attridge, Derek: "The body writing: Joyce's pen" Bénéjam, Valérie: "Molly inside and outside 'Penelope'" Smurthwaite, John: "Verbal or visual?: 'Penelope' and contemporary psychology" Fordham, Finn: "Spinning with 'Penelope'" Ellmann, Maude: "'Penelope' without the body" Brown, Richard: "Body words" Plock, Vike Martina: "Jack the Ripper and the family physician: gynaecology and domestic medicine in 'Penelope'" Downes, Gareth Downes: "Giordano Bruno and the heretical mode of vision in 'Penelope'" Norris, Andrew: "From the confessional hole to the techno-erotic: 'Penelope' and Finnegans Wake" Davies, James: "Beyond masochistic ritual in Joyce and Deleuze: reading Molly as non-corporeal body" O'Hanrahan, Paul: "The geography of the body in 'Penelope'"
Budgen, Frank.
James Joyce and the making of 'Ulysses'.
Indiana UP,
Budgen, Frank.
James Joyce and the making of 'Ulysses' and other writings.
Hart, Clive: introd.Oxford UP,
Oxford UP,
Other writings: "Joyce's Chapters Going Forth by Day", "James Joyce", "Further Recollections of James Joyce".
Bulson, Eric Jon.
'Ulysses' by numbers.
Columbia UP,
Butler, David.
An aid to reading 'Ulysses'.
James Joyce Center,
Card, James Van Dyck.
An anatomy of 'Penelope'.
Fairleigh Dickinson UP,
Caspel, Paul P. J. van. See: Van Caspel, Paul P. J.
Cecconi, Elisabetta.
"Who chose this face for me?": Joyce's creation of secondary characters in 'Ulysses'.
Corser, Sophie.
The reader's Joyce: 'Ulysses', authorship and the authority of the reader.
Edinburgh UP,
Coyle, John: ed.
James Joyce: 'Ulysses', 'A portrait of the artist as a young man': a reader's guide to essential criticism.
Crispi, Luca.
Joyce's creative process and the construction of characters in 'Ulysses': becoming the Blooms.
Oxford UP,
Oxford UP,
Davison, Neil R.
An Irish-Jewish politician, Joyce's Dublin, and 'Ulysses': the life and times of Albert L. Altman.
(The Florida James Joyce series).
UP of Florida,
Davison, Neil R.
James Joyce, 'Ulysses', and the construction of Jewish identity: culture, biography, and 'the Jew' in modernist Europe.
Cambridge UP,
Delaney, Frank.
James Joyce's odyssey: a guide to the Dublin of 'Ulysses'.
Devlin, Kimberly J. &&
Reizbaum, Marilyn: eds.
'Ulysses'--en-gendered perspectives: eighteen new essays on the episodes.
U of South Carolina P,
Contributors: Leonard, Garry: "'A little trouble about those white corpuscles': mockery, heresy, and the transubstantiation of masculinity in 'Telemachus'" Spoo, Robert: "Genders of history in 'Nestor'" Herr, Cheryl: "Old wives' tales as portals of discovery in 'Proteus'" Shloss, Carol: "Milly, Molly, and the Mullingar photo shop: developing negatives in 'Calypso'" Ellmann, Maud: "Skinscapes in 'Lotus-eaters'" Devlin, Kimberly J.: "Visible Shades and Shades of Visibility: The En-Gendering of Death in 'Hades'" McGee, Patrick: "Machines, empire, and the wise virgins: cultural revolution in 'Aeolus'" Lawrence, Karen: "Legal fiction or pulp fiction in 'Lestrygonians'" Valente, Joseph: "The perils of masculinity in 'Scilla and Charybdis'" Scott, Bonnie Kime: "Diversions from mastery in 'Wandering rocks'" Law, Jules: "Political 'Sirens'" Reizbaum, Marilyn: "When the saints come marching in: re-deeming in 'Cyclops'" Bishop, John: "A metaphysics of coitus in 'Nausicaa'" Duffy, Enda: "Birthing and the nation in 'Oxen of the sun'" Norris, Margot: "Disenchanting enchantment: the theatrical brothel of 'Circe'" Lamos, Colleen: "The double life of 'Eumaeus'" Mahaffey, Vicki: "Sidereal writing: male refractions and malefactions in 'Ithaca'" Van Boheemen-Saaf, Christine: "Molly's heavenly body and the economy of the sign: the invention of gender in 'Penelope'"
Driver, Clive: ed.
'Ulysses': a facsimile of the manuscript.
3 vols.
Duffy, Enda.
The subaltern 'Ulysses'.
U of Minnesota P,
Egri, Péter.
Avantgardism and modernity: a comparison of James Joyce's 'Ulysses' with Thomas Mann's "Der Zauberberg" and "Lotte in Weimar".
Aston, Paul: trans.
U of Tulsa P,
Ellmann, Richard.
The consciousness of Joyce.
Oxford UP,
Ellmann, Richard.
'Ulysses' on the Liffey.
Contributors: Lehan, Richard: "James Joyce: the limits of modernism and the realms of literary text" Murphy, Michael: "'Proteus' and prose: paternity or workmanship?" Weinstock, Jeffrey A.: "The disappointed bridge: textual hauntings in Joyce's Ulysses" Woodruff, Adam: "Nobody at home: Bloom's outlandish retreat in the 'Cyclops' episode of Ulysses" Stanier, Michael: "'The void awaits surely all them that weave the wind': 'Penelope' and 'Sirens' in Ulysses" Mclean, Clara D.: "Wasted words: the body language of Joyce's 'Nausicaa'" Osteen, Mark: "Cribs in the countinghouse: plagiarism, proliferation, and labour in 'Oxen of the sun'" Ziarek, Ewa Plonowska: "'Circe': Joyce's argumentum ad feminam" McDonald, Michael Bruce: "'Circe' and the uncanny, or Joyce from Freud to Marx" Duffy, Enda: "Molly alone: questioning community and cloure in the 'Nostos'"
Field, Saul &&
Levitt, Morton P.
Bloomsday: an interpretation of James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
New York Graphic Society,
French, Marilyn.
The book as world: James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
Harvard UP,
Fuller, David.
James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
St. Martin's,
Gaskell, Philip &&
Hart, Clive.
'Ulysses': a review of three texts.
(The Princess Grace Irish library 4).
Gibbons, Luke.
James Joyce and the Irish revolution: the Easter Rising as modern event.
U of Chicago P,
Gibson, Andrew.
Joyce's revenge: history, politics, and aesthetics in 'Ulysses'.
Oxford UP,
Contributors: Hart, Clive: Chiastic Patterns in 'Wandering rocks'" Gibson, Andrew: "Macropolitics and micropolitics in 'Wandering rocks'" Brown, Richard: "Time, space and the city in 'Wandering rocks'" Pierce, David: "The reading matter of 'Wandering rocks'" Haag, Stefan: "Listen and be touched: aural space in 'Wandering rocks'" Stephenson, William: "Eroticism and lightness in 'Wandering rocks'" Platt, Len: "Moving in times of yore: historiographies in 'Wandering rocks'" Senn, Fritz: "Charting elsewhereness: erratic interlocations"
Contributors: Gibson, Andrew: "Introduction" Platt, L. H.: "Ulysses 15 and the Irish literary theatre" Senn, Fritz: "'Circe' as harking back in provective arrangement" Connor, Sthephen: "'Jigajiga...Yummyyum...Pfuiiiiiii!...Bbbbblllllblblblblobschb!' 'Circe's' ventriloquy" Hampson, R. G.: "'Toft's cumbersome whirligig': hallucinations, theatricality and mnemotechnic in V.A.19 and the first edition of 'Circe'" Gibson, Andrew: "'Strangers in my house, bad manners to them!': England in 'Circe'" Brown, Richard: "Everything in 'Circe'" Wales, Katie: "'Bloom passes through several walls': the stage directions in 'Circe'" Platt, L. H.: "Appendix: 'the deliverer' and Ulysses 15"
Gifford, Don &&
Seidman, Robert J.
Notes for Joyce: an annotation of James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
Gifford, Don &&
Seidman, Robert J.
'Ulysses' annotated: notes for James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
Rev. edn.,
U of California P,
20th Anniversary edn.,
U of California P,
Gilbert, Stuart.
James Joyce's 'Ulysses': a study.
2nd edn.,
Gillespie, Michael Patrick &&
Gillespie, Paula.
Recent criticism of James Joyce's 'Ulysses': an analytical review.
Gillespie, Michael Patrick &&
Fargnoli, A. Nicholas: eds.
'Ulysses' in critical perspective.
(The Florida James Joyce series).
UP of Florida,
Contributors: Riquelme, John Paul: "'Preparatory to anything else": Joyce's style as forms of memory - the case of 'Eumaeus'" Norris, Margot: "Narratology and Ulysses" Brivic, Sheldon: "Joyce and the invention of language" Devlin, Kimberly J.: "En-gendered choice and agency in Ulysses" Valente, Joseph: "Ulysses and queer theory: a continuing history" Downing, Gregory M.: "Joycean pop culture: fragments toward an institutional history and futurology" Nadel, Ira B.: "Historicizing Ulysses" Groden, Michael: "Before and after: the manuscripts in textual and genetic criticism of Ulysses" Brockman, William S.: "Ulysses: Bibliography Revisited"
Goldberg, S. L.
The classical temper: a study of James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
Gose, Elliott B., Jr.
The transformation process in Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
U of Toronto P,
Gottfried, Roy K.
The art of Joyce's syntax in 'Ulysses'.
U of Georgia P,
Gottfried, Roy K.
Joyce's iritis and the irritated text: the dis-lexic 'Ulysses'.
(The Florida James Joyce series).
UP of Florida,
Groden, Michael.
The necessary fiction: life with James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
2nd rev. && enlarged edn.,
Groden, Michael.
'Ulysses' in focus: genetic, textual, and personal views.
(The Florida James Joyce series).
1st ppbk. edn.UP of Florida,
Groden, Michael.
'Ulysses' in progress.
Princeton UP,
Gunn, Ian &&
Hart, Clive.
James Joyce's Dublin: a topographical guide to the Dublin of 'Ulysses'.
Hanley, Miles L.
Word index to James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
4th printing.
U of Wisconsin P,
Harkness, Marguerite.
The aesthetics of Dedalus and Bloom.
Bucknell UP,
Hart, Clive.
James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
Sydney UP,
Hart, Clive &&
Hayman, David: eds.
James Joyce's 'Ulysses': critical essays.
U of California P,
U of California P,
Contributors: Benstock, Bernard: "'Telemachus'" Epstein, E. L.: "'Nestor'" Morse, J. Mitchell: "'Proteus'" Glasheen, Adaline: "'Calypso'" Herring, Phillip F.: "'Lotuseaters'" Adams, R. M.: "'Hades'" Hodgart, M. J. C.: "'Aeolus'" Friedman, Melvin J.: "'Lestrygonians'" Kellogg, Robert: "'Scylla and charybdis'" Hart, Clive: "'Wandering rocks'" Cope, Jackson I.: "'Sirens'" Hayman, David: "'Cyclops'" Senn, Fritz: "'Nausicaa'" Atherton, J. S.: "'Oxen of the sun'" Kenner, Hugh: "'Circe'" Bruns, Gerald L.: "'Eumaeus'" Litz, A. Walton: "'Ithaca'" Boyle, Robert R.: "'Penelope'"
Hart, Clive &&
Knuth, A. M. Leo.
A topographical guide to James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
2 vols.
Wake Newslitter,
Hassett, Joseph M.
The 'Ulysses' trials: beauty and truth meet the law.
Hastings, Patrick.
The guide to James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
Johns Hopkins UP,
Hayman, David.
'Ulysses': the mechanics of meaning.
Rev. and expanded edn.,
U of Wisconsin P,
Henke, Suzette.
Joyce's moraculous sindbook: a study of 'Ulysses'.
Ohio St. UP,
Herring, Phillip F.
Joyce's notes and early drafts for 'Ulysses': selections from the Buffalo collections.
UP of Virginia,
Herring, Phillip F.
Joyce's 'Ulysses' notesheets in the British Museum.
UP of Virginia,
Houston, John Porter.
Joyce and prose: an exploration of the language of 'Ulysses'.
Bucknell UP,
Hutton, Clare.
Serial encounters : 'Ulysses' and 'The Little Review'.
Oxford UP,
Igoe, Vivien.
The real people of Joyce's 'Ulysses': a biographical guide.
U College Dublin P,
Janusko, Robert .
The sources and structures of James Joyce's 'Oxen'.
Jin, Di.
Shamrock and chopsticks: James Joyce in China : a tale of two encounters.
Kellogg, Robert: ed.
Thornton, Weldon: fwd.
City U of Hong Kong P,
Kain, Richard M.
Fabulous voyager: James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
U of Chicago P,
Kershner, R. B.
The culture of Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
Kiberd, Declan.
'Ulysses' and us: the art of everyday life in Joyce's masterpiece.
Kiberd, Declan &&
Terrinoni, Enrico &&
Wilsdon, Catherine: ed.
The book about everything: eighteen artists, writers and thinkers on James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
Head of Zeus,
Contributors: Dillon, John: "Telemachus: Joyce and the Greeks" Lentin, Ronit: "Nestor: Ulysses, race and the new Bllomusalem" Kearney, Richard: "Proteus" Parks, Tim: "Calypso" Camurri, Edoardo: "Lotus-eaters: turn on, tune in, Bloom out" Taylor, Lawrence: "Hades: rites of passage" Marlowe, Lara: "Aeolus: inside 'Aeolus' and 'The Irish Times', everything is copy" Fitzgerald, Mike: "Lestrygonians" Gamerro, Carlos: "Scylla && Charybdis: Homer...Shakespeare...Joyce...Borges" Chattopadhyay, Shinjini: "Wandering rocks: The 'retrospective arrangement' of Dublin in 'Wandering rocks'" O'Connor, Joseph: "Sirens: Sgt Joyce's Lonely Hearts Club Band" Hand, Derek: "Cyclops: a sneer and a smile" Lahiri, Jhumpa: "Nausicaa" Mahony, Rhona: "Oxen of the sun: prescience and parody" Lally, Caitriona: "Circe: night-rule in Nighttown" McWilliams, David: "Eumaeus: Leopold Bloom, master-economist" Lewis, Eric A.: "Ithaca: reading as the police" Carr, Marina: "Penelope"
Killeen, Terrence.
'Ulysses' unbound.
(The Florida James Joyce series),
UP of Florida,
Klitgård, Ida.
Fictions of hybridity: translating style in James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
UP of Southern Denmark,
Kim, Chong-Keon.
James Joyce: 'Ulysses' and literary modernism.
Tamgu Dang,
Kimball, Jean.
Joyce and the early Freudians: a synchronic dialogue of texts.
(The Florida James Joyce series).
UP of Florida,
Kitcher, Philip: ed.
Joyce's 'Ulysses': philosophical perspectives.
(Oxford studies in philosophy and literature).
Oxford UP,
Contributors: Kitcher, Philip: "Introduction" Nussbaum, Martha C.: "between detachment and disgust: Bloom in Hades" Hagberg, Garry L.: "A portrait of consciousness: Joyce's Ulysses as philosophical psychology" Mahaffey, Vicki && Truran, Wendy J.: "Feeling Ulysses: An address to the Cyclopean reader" Slote, Sam: "Ulysses May be a legal fiction" Hills, David: "Doing Dublin in different voices" Kitcher, Philip: "Something rich and strange: Joyce's perspectivism"
Knowles, Sebastian, D. G.
The Dublin helix: the life of language in Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
(The Florida James Joyce series).
UP of Florida,
Mood, John.
Joyce's 'Ulysses' for everyone.
Morton, Richard.
'Ulysses': notes.
Moscato, Michael &&
LeBlanc, Leslie: eds.
The United States of America v. one book entitled 'Ulysses' by James Joyce: documents and commentary--a fifty-year retrospective.
U Publications of America,
Mulhall, Daniel.
'Ulysses' : a reader's odyssey.
New Island,
Murphy, Michael.
'Ulysses' in West Britain: James Joyce’s Dublin & Dubliners.
Murphy, Niall.
A Bloomsday postcard.
Photographs of postcards mailed in Dublin in 1904.
Nabakov, Vladimir.
Lectures on 'Ulysses': a facsimile of the manuscript.
Nelson, Stephanie.
Time and identity in 'Ulysses' and the 'Odyssey'.
(The Florida James Joyce series).
UP of Florida,
Newman, Robert A.: ed.
Pedegogy, Praxis, 'Ulysses': using Joyce's text to transform the classroom.
U of Michigan P,
Newman, Robert A. &&
Thornton, Weldon: eds.
Joyce's 'Ulysses': the larger perspective.
U of Delaware P,
Contributors: Herr, Cheryl: "Art and life, nature and culture, Ulysses" Watson, G. J.: "The politics of Ulysses" McCarthy, Patrick A.: "Ulysses and the printed page" Kain, Richard M.: "Fifty years of Joyce: 1934-1984" Lawrence, Karen: "Paternity, the legal fiction" Raleigh, John Henry: "Ulysses: Trinitarian and Catholic" Gillespie, Michael Patrick: "Redrawing the artist as a young man" Maddox, James: "Mockery in Ulysses" Bowen, Zack: "Ulysses as a comic novel" Newman, Robert D.: "Transformatio conjunctionis: alchemy in Ulysses" Brivic, Sheldon: "The other Ulysses" Gose, Elliot: "The coincidence of contraries as theme and technique in Ulysses" Begnal, Michael H.: "Art and history: Stephen's mirror and Parnell's silk hat" Thornton, Weldon: "Voices and values in Ulysses" Sultan, Stanley: "The adventures of Ulysses in our world"
Nicholson, Robert.
The 'Ulysses' guide: tours through Joyce's Dublin.
New Island,
New Island,
New Island,
New Island,
Norris, Margot.
Virgin and veteran readings of 'Ulysses'.
Norris, Margot: ed.
A companion to James Joyce's 'Ulysses': biographical and historical contexts, critical history, and essays from five contemporary critical perspectives.
Owen, R. W.
James Joyce and the beginnings of 'Ulysses'.
Parr, Mary.
James Joyce: the poetry of conscience: a study of 'Ulysses'.
Pearce, Richard: ed.
Molly Blooms: a polylogue on 'Penelope' and cultural studies.
U of Wisconsin P,
Contributors: Pearce, Richard: "Introduction: Molly Blooms — a polylogue on 'Penelope'" McCormick, Kathleen: "Reproducing Molly Bloom: a revisionist history of the reception of 'Penelope', 1922-1970" Pearce, Richard: "How does Molly Bloom look through the male gaze?" Herr, Cheryl: "'Penelope' as period piece" Devlin, Kimberly J.: "Pretending in 'Penelope': masquerade, mimicry, and Molly Bloom" Shloss, Carol: "Molly's resistance to the union: marriage and colonialism in Dublin, 1904" Bazargan, Susan: "Mapping Gibraltar: colonialism, time, and narrative in 'Penelope'" Schaffer, Brian W.: "Negotiating self and culture: narcissism, competing discourses, and ideological becoming in 'Penelope'" Heininger, Joseph: "Molly Bloom's ad language and goods behavior: advertising as social communication in Ulysses" Wicke, Jennifer: "'Who's she when she's at home?': Molly Bloom and the work of consumption" Leonard, Garry: "Molly Bloom's 'lifestyle': the performative and normative" Harper, Margaret Mills: "'Taken in drapery': dressing the narrative in the 'Odyssey' and 'Penelope'" Ziarek, Ewa: "The female body, technology, and memory in 'Penelope'"
Powys, John Cowper.
James Joyce's 'Ulysses': an appreciation.
Raleigh, John Henry.
The chronicle of Leopold and Molly Bloom: 'Ulysses' as narrative.
U of California P,
Raphael, Russell.
An understanding of 'Ulysses': normal Joyce for normal people .
Rickard, John S.
Joyce′s book of memory: the mnemotechnic of 'Ulysses'.
Duke UP,
Russell, Richard Rankin.
James Joyce and Samaritan hospitality: postcritical and postsecular reading in 'Dubliners' and 'Ulysses'.
Edinburgh UP,
Sandulescu, C. George.
The Joycean monologue: a study of character and monologue in Joyce's 'Ulysses' against the background of literary tradition.
Wake Newslitter,
Sandulescu, C. George &&
Hart, Clive: eds.
Assessing the 1984 'Ulysses'.
Schoonbroodt, Jean.
Point of view and expressive form in James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
Universitas Catholica Lovaniensis,
Schutte, William.
Index of recurrent elements in James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
Southern Illinois UP,
Schutte, William.
Joyce and Shakespeare: a study in the meaning of 'Ulysses'.
Yale UP,
Schwarz, Daniel R.
Reading Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
St. Martin's,
Sicker, Philip.
Ulysses, film and visual culture.
Cambridge UP,
Slote, Sam &&
Mamigonian, Marc A. &&
Turner, John.
Annotations to James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
Oxford UP,
Smith, Paul Jordan.
A key to the 'Ulysses' of James Joyce.
City Lights,
Staley, Thomas F.: ed.
'Ulysses': fifty years.
Indiana UP,
Contributors: Litz, A. Walton: "Pound and Eliot on Ulysses: the critical tradition" Kenner, Hugh: "Molly's masterstroke" Senn, Fritz: "Book of many turns" Boyle, Robert R.: "Miracle in black ink: a glance at Joyce's use of his Eucharistic image" Knuth, Leo: "Joyce's verbal acupuncture" Shechner, Mark: "The song of the wandering Aengus: James Joyce and his mother" Benstock, Bernard: "Ulysses without Dublin" Schutte, William M.: "Leopold Bloom: a touch of the artist" Levitt, Morton P.: "A hero for our time: Leopold Bloom and the myth of Ulysses" Kain, Richard M.: "The significance of Stephen's meeting Bloom: a survey of interpretations" Scholes, Robert: "Ulysses: a structuralist perspective" Beebe, Maurice: "Ulysses and the age of modernism" Wood, Tom: "A portrait of the artist according to his dwellings (photographic essay)"
Staley, Thomas F. &&
Benstock, Bernard: eds.
Approaches to 'Ulysses': ten essays.
U of Pittsburgh P,
Contributors: Staley, Thomas F. && Benstock, Bernard: "Introduction" Staley, Thomas F.: "Stephen Dedalus and the temper of the modern hero" Boyle, Robert R.: "The priesthoods of Stephen and Buck" Kain, Richard M.: "Motif as meaning: the case of Leopold Bloom" Hayman, David: "The empirical Molly" O'Brien, Darcy: "Some determinants of Molly Bloom: Schutte, William M. && Steinberg, Erwin R.: "The fictional technique of Ulysses" Waidner, H. Frew, III: "Ulysses by way of 'culture and anarchy'" Benstock, Bernard: "Ulysses: The making of an Irish myth" Thornton, Weldon: "The allusive method in Ulysses" Senn, Fritz: "Ulysses in translation"
Steinberg, Erwin R.
The stream of consciousness and beyond in 'Ulysses'.
U of Pittsburgh P,
Steppe, Wolfhard &&
Gabler, Hans Walter.
A handlist to James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
Sultan, Stanley.
The argument of 'Ulysses'.
Ohio UP,
Sultan, Stanley.
'Ulysses', "The waste land", and modernism: a jubilee study.
Thomas, Brook.
James Joyce's 'Ulysses': a book of many happy returns.
Louisiana State UP,
Thornton, Weldon.
Allusions in 'Ulysses': an annotated list.
U of North Carolina P,
Thornton, Weldon.
Voices and values in Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
(The Florida James Joyce series).
UP of Florida,
Terrinoni, Enrico.
Occult Joyce: the hidden in 'Ulysses'.
Cambridge Scholars,
Toibin, Colm: ed.
One hundred years of James Joyce’s 'Ulysses'.
Penn State series in the history of the book).
Penn State UP,
Contributors: Higgins, Michael D.: "President of Ireland's foreword" Bailey, Colin B.: "Director's foreword" Toibin, Colm: "The music of the future" Fogarty, Anne: "Ulysses and Dublin" McCourt, John: "Finding Ulysses in Trieste" Crowley, Ronan: "Ulysses in Zurich" Flynn, Catherine: "Joyce in Paris, 1920-1922" DiBattista, Maria: "Revisioning Ulysses" Hassett, Joseph M.: "Ulysses and free speech: looking back to move forward" Dreher, Derick: "The Rosenbach Manuscript" Maynard, James: "The Origins of the University at Buffalo James Joyce Collection"
Interview by Toibin, Colm && Tidwell, John: "Sean Kelly" Gekoski, Rick: "The Sean and Mary Kelly Collection"
Tucker, Lindsey.
Stephen and Bloom at life's feast: alimentary symbolism and the creative process in James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
Ohio State UP,
Tully, Nola: ed.
yes I said yes I will Yes.: a celebration of James Joyce, 'Ulysses', and 100 years of Bloomsday.
McCourt, Frank: fwd.
Sheffer, Isaiah: introd.
Ungar, Andras.
Joyce's 'Ulysses' as national epic: epic mimesis and the political history of the nation state.
(The Florida James Joyce series).
UP of Florida,
Van Caspel, Paul P. J.
Bloomers on the Liffey: eisegetical readings of James Joyce's 'Ulysses'.
Veenstra Visser,
Rev. and enl. edn.,
Johns Hopkins UP,
Vanderham, Paul.
James Joyce and censorship: the trials of 'Ulysses'.
New York UP,
Vreesswijk, Harry.
Notes on Joyce's 'Ulysses', part I (Chapters 1-3): (A very first draft).
Van Gennep,
Weir, David.
'Ulysses; explained: how Homer, Dante, and Shakespeare inform Joyce’s modernist vision.
Wright, David G.
'Dubliners' and 'Ulysses': bonds of character.
Wright, David G.
Ironies in 'Ulysses'.
Younger, Irving
'Ulysses' in court: the litigation surrounding the first publication of James Joyce's novel in the United States.
McElhaney, James: ed.
(Classics of the courtroom).
Professional Education Group,
"A transcribed 1985 speech" — cover